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Founding Pilgrims

In 2015, we launched our Annual Turkey Bowl to benefit the Hunger Resource Network (HRN). Numerous individuals and corporate sponsors graciously contributed time, money, and services in order to make the inaugural Turkey Bowl memorable and provide much needed donations to help HRN take a bite out of hunger. Those who seized this opportunity have been recognized publicly on our TB2K poster board and their names have been etched into our Vince Lomturkey Trophy to live forever! This event would have never been possible had it not been for these Founding Pilgrims!



Thank You to Our Founding Pilgrims!








Bedford Family

Ron Bernardi

Sean Brandt

Courtney & Elginn Cordes

Christine & Zack Davis

Egan Family

Marcus Fried

Michael Fuller

Linda & Dan Jariabka

Sheryl Martinez

Damian Michalski

Paleczny Family

Nancy & Bob Schultz

Teets Family

Chris Velissaris

Alison Wilder

Sam & Rob Wilder

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