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Launching the Turkey Bowl for

Hunger Resource Network



Nancy Schultz

The month prior to the kick off was a busy time for many, one of which was our very own Christine who designed the jerseys and set up our Facebook page along with a plethora of fine details. Rob and Bob remained busy tying up a flurry of loose ends. Finally, the big day arrived hailed by pre-game festivities, then a school yard pick of teams, the establishment of rules, and then the big game itself. A shout out to Loretta for maintaining the game clock, a very wet job as it turned out. Half-time brought a welcome break from the rain and wonderful refreshments courtesy of Sunset Foods and our very own hot apple cider brew master, Alison. Alison secured a delicious recipe for the "adult" version  on a phone in call to the nationally syndicated Rachael Ray show. We knew then that's Annual Turkey Bowl was going to be special!


Shortly before the game resumed, Rob spoke about the Hunger Resource Network and encouraged donations. The game finished at 43-38 and the post-game festivities began with the awarding of the Vince Lomturkey trophy to the victors, and the MVP selection.


All was capped off with a final beers cheers, and participants departed to continue their Thanksgiving traditions with family and friends. 

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